Liver & Gastrocare Clinic (Into Its 10th Year)


  1. Team of two gastroenterologists to tackle OPD & emergency cases round the clock
  2. Most advanced endoscopic systems for ma(onty of diagnostic & therapeutic endoscopic procedures
  3. Dr. Rachana Gunian Joshi (consultant pediatrician) for pediatric OPD & all types of vaccinations
  4. Laboratory collection centre


  1. 24 x 7 Pharmacy
  2. All types of rooms for hospitalisation (with central oxygen & suction facilities)
  3. 8 beded Level-III I C U.
  4. Ventilator, hemodialysis, ECMO, surgical 0 T
  5. Dedicated indoor dept for patients with liver & digestive diseases


• Diagnostic upper G.I. endoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy & colonoscopy (with biopsy)
• Sclerotherapy for ulcer & variceal bleeding (EST)
• Endoscopic variceal rubber band ligation (EVL)
• Gold probe therapy for hemostasis in non-variceal bleeding
• Glue (Cyanoacrylate) injection for gastric varices
• Dilatation (with bougie / balloon) of esophageal, pyloric, rectal & anastomotic strictures
• Pneumatic dilatation for achalasia cardia.
• Stent placement for inoperable cancers of esophagus, GE junction, pylorus & rectum_
• Polypectomy
• Foreign body removal (for sharp & blunt objects) (adult & pediatric)
• P.E.G. (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy)
• N.J. (Naso-Jejunal) tube placement
• Colonic decompression
• Liver biopsy
• Liver Transplantation Counseling
• Side viewing duodenoscopy & biopsy
• ERCP for 1) CBD stone 2) biliary stricture 3) biliary leaks & 4) biliary tract cancers.
• Consultation for pediatric & pregnancy associated various liver & G.I. diseases.
• Diagnostic & therapeutic (large volume) ascitic tapping.
• Aspiration & percutaneous drainage of
1) liver abscess 2) pancreatic pseudocyst & 3) infra-abdominal collections.